Beaglebone Black related support

Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby Chanh » 22 Dec 2014, 11:00

On the subject of i2s add-on board, I use Acko S03, an i2s isolator and reclocking. This board has brought noticable improvement to my setup. It costs US$25 for OEM.

Here is the image:

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby eragefe » 07 Jan 2015, 16:04

Hi again.
I wish everyone a happy new year to start with.
I will answer your question (ACX) to start with.
I don’t think I will make any more commercial products within G2labs and the reason is that I can’t stand to make those cheap things and call them high end to have a chance to sell them.
High end for me is something completely different.
After more than 30 years as a hifi constructor I know that one has to NOT compromise at all to make a high end product.
And if you don’t compromise the product will be expensive.
And expensive audio products are impossible to sale this days.
Look for example our friends Chanhs DAC tower on this posting do you think it is cheap?
So why make more products that are “good for the money” when almost everyone else doing that out there.

As you know all our converters was NOS based.
You can get real nice sounding results when you use NOS especially in cheap constructions but the result will always be limited.
If your oscilloscope can see that a 10kHz sinus seems like something completely different than a sinus I can promise you that you can hear it.
I believe here that the best for me is to write some articles about how I see “High end audio” and let people use my experiences to make their own projects.
I strongly believe that synchronous concept is the way to go.
Now for the first time it is possible with BBB and Mieros driver to do a totally synchronous construction between source and DAC. Several people have done that wit USB DACs syncing synchronous, XMOS and DAC with very good results but I am telling you that this is even better.
Many of you maybe remember Linn audios concept to synchronous attach DAC to CD transport.
NOT bad at all.

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby ACX » 07 Jan 2015, 23:57

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby Stino » 10 Jan 2015, 22:16

Hi ACX, I see nobody answered you question. I used to enjoy Runeaudio a lot, some great features, until I finished a S03 clocking/isolation Botic for the BBB, and now have to use Miero's Botic image to make full use of it.

The S03 reclocking board can be had for $235, here:, and soon Twisted pear audio will come out with a cape which will also provide improved clocking and isolation for the BBB (also using Miero's driver).

From personal experience I can say that adding some decent clocks to the BBB, takes it to a whole new level.

How is the Miero boric driver integration into Runeaudio coming along?

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby eragefe » 11 Jan 2015, 00:28

My friend ACX
I fully agree with you that between black and white there is a lot of gray tones.
I am talking about "high end" for 69 USD. You know very well what happened when we came out with cubienos one of the first complete streaming solutions out there.
People thought that 340USD was ridiculous expensive.
Anyway you also know that I am doing that to get the most possible out of my recordings not for the money.
When it comes to the technical discussion.
I fully agree with Stino that adding better clocks improves the sound quality very much but what I am trying to say in my earlier post is that for the first time one is able to make a fully synchronous setup with SOC and DAC.
Something like the following setup but with a bbb instead for the amanero usb/I2S.
syncmode.PNG (184.55 KiB) Viewed 7429 times

That is what I am listening for now and I have to tell you that it is maybe the best sound I ever had in 30 years.
I think it could be very inovative to integrate mieros exelent work in your firmware. Maybe with a "botic settings" section one can change the driver settings.

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby DWJames » 07 Feb 2015, 23:53

Hi guys,
I'm new here, but I see a few familiar faces already :)
I'm another BBB > S03 reclocker /Isolator > DDDAC looking for a good software solution and after playing with Squeezelite for a while I hear good things about Runeaudio and wanted to see what it can offer me :)

I'm about to install new clocks in my S03 and will use that to synchronously clock my BBB, but for that, I need Miero's Botic driver. What's the latest on Botic and Runeaudio working together? I understand there isn't a single build that combines the 2 ready to go, but has anyone managed to get the 2 working together so far? I don't mind if there's a bit of work involved as I know the end results will be great.

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby ACX » 08 Feb 2015, 03:10

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby jernejx » 12 Feb 2015, 19:01

Great projects :!:

Stino where can i buy that mini plate on the beaglebone black for the i2s out?
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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby DWJames » 12 Feb 2015, 19:08

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Re: BBB+RuneOS+I2S

Postby jernejx » 14 Feb 2015, 09:20

Great, thank you ;)
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