by aj78 » 04 Nov 2014, 20:41
kajica, you may find those links no longer work or stop working after a time. The BBC, for reasons best known to themselves, keep changing the actual links to the livestream every few hours or so. I wrote a script to keep the links up to date, you can find it in my forum post here: . The script will cause the links to appear in your Internet Radios page; you need to add it to your crontab to ensure it runs regularly. You can't do this from the UI, but you can ssh into the runeaudio server as root, save the script to /usr/local/bin/, ensure it is executable by doing chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ and then edit your crontab by typing crontab -e
You need to add the following line to make the script run every hour:
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/
And that's it!