BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Raspberry Pi related support

BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Postby ianhaynes » 29 Nov 2017, 18:35

With the MPD update available with Rerns Addons it seemed as though we could finally use the BBC 320k (HLS) streams and these initially seemed to work well. However, with use it became apparent that the streams would drop out frequently, sometimes after as little as 5 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes or more.

Other radio streams (non HLS) can run continuously without any drop out. I started to think that it was the BBC feeds themselves that were the problem but today I tried an old Rune 0.3 version (20141216) on which I'd installed Minim Server, specifically to use with these feeds. It has now run most of the day without a single drop out.

So it seems it may not be the feeds themselves but something else, perhaps the version of MPD (v 0.20.12).

Has anyone else had the drop out problems or any idea what the cause could be? Solutions?

Pi 2, Ver. 0.5b, IQAudio DAC+
Posts: 207
Joined: 04 Mar 2015, 12:51

Re: BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Postby R101 » 30 Nov 2017, 20:48

I have had the same experience, but blamed the BBC for this, as I find their feeds generally do suffer from dropouts. I wonder if this could be due to high demand? Since reading your post I have been listening to Radio 3 via Rune, and there have been no glitches this evening, which is unusual.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
Posts: 343
Joined: 29 Apr 2016, 16:16

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