BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Raspberry Pi related support

BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Postby hoanghuynh » 12 Jan 2018, 05:12

With the MPD update available with Rerns Addons it seemed as though we could finally use the BBC 320k (HLS) streams and these initially seemed to work well. However, with use it became apparent that the streams would drop out frequently, sometimes after as little as 5 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes or more.

Other radio streams (non HLS) can run continuously without any drop out. I started to think that it was the BBC feeds themselves that were the problem but today I tried an old Rune 0.3 version (20141216) on which I'd installed Minim Server, specifically to use with these feeds. It has now run most of the day without a single drop out.

So it seems it may not be the feeds themselves but something else, perhaps the version of MPD (v 0.20.12).

Has anyone else had the drop out problems or any idea what the cause could be? Solutions?
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Re: BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Postby janui » 12 Jan 2018, 08:58

Hi hoanghuynh,
Also see this thread: bbc-radio-320k-feeds-t6075.html#p23735
Could you send me a 320K URL, I will do some testing.
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Re: BBC Radio 320k Feeds

Postby Nickkk » 12 Jan 2018, 15:18

I would like to confirm that the stream has been working perfectly for an hour or so every day over the last 6 months or so, using the following setup:


as well as other stations occasionally.

Many thanks for your everyone's help - it really does work superbly.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2018, 15:05

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