Yes, I can help. I've posted a rough guide to how to do it in the DIY and Tweaks forum. Have a look at that and see how you get on; feel free to ask if you need more assistance.
I've got most of the way there (I'm using Terminal in Mac OS X, logged in as root@, but I don't think this looks right.
[root@runeaudio bin]# EDITOR=nano crontab -e no crontab for root - using an empty one crontab: installing new crontab [root@runeaudio bin]# systemctl cronie enable Unknown operation 'cronie'.
Sorted. Having followed Adrian's instructions nothing showed in the web radio section of the library UI. To sort this one needs to pretend to add a web radio through the UI. I entered BBC for the name and www for the URL and then all was OK. All were listed.