Hi everyone,
I've recently got my hands on a Raspberry Pi 2 and am excited at the prospect of building my own music player using Rune Audio, but I've come unstuck when trying to get it up and running. I'm new to all of this so please bear with me if I'm missing something totally obvious or, more likely, doing something incredibly stupid!
I've managed to download the latest RuneAudio image and successfully installed it on a Sandisk 16GB micro SD card. So far so good. I connected all the cables (HDMI, keyboard, powered usb hub with portable HDD attached and ethernet cable to my iMac), then plugged in the Pi power cable. It appears to start up ok displaying a Copyright message and the runeaudi login prompt.
This is where it has all ground to a halt. When trying to connect to the Web UI by typing in http://reuneaudio.local in a new safari browser window on my iMac nothing happens. It just sits there. I also tried using the IP address that appears for the ethernet connection in the iMac System Preferences Network tab. Still no joy.
Is directly connecting the Pi to my iMac's ethernet port appropriate?
Any assistance to help get me going would be greatly appreciated.
I tried