Bitperfect sound, DTS sound

Raspberry Pi related support

Bitperfect sound, DTS sound

Postby SeaofThought » 01 Sep 2018, 13:01

I have some files disguised as stereo audio files but with DTS encoded sound within, I can listen to them perfectly on my PC and laptop with a Windows system, using foobar, WASAPI and HDMI output. The amplifier lights up the DTS symbol and I got nice 5.1 music coming out of the speakers.

When I try the same with RuneAudio (v. 0.3-beta) on my RPI3 it just outputs noise, which is what is expected without bit perfect output. It is giving me the same experience I get in Windows when I don't get bit perfect sound. For instance, in Windows if instead of WASAPI, I use a DirectX output I also get noise, changing the volume down from 100% will also output noise: it really has to be bit-perfect output. In fact, the way I test bit perfect output in Windows is precisely by playing a DTS file.

Now, these files, as far as I understand, are just normal WAV files, 16 bit encoded, nothing strange about them except for the content. When they are delivered to the amplifier it recognizes the stream as DTS. I don’t understand why I can’t play these files using RuneAudio. I tried several things, I already had volume, replay gain and normalization disabled, but I also changed the DSD, gapless, FFmpeg decoder settings and tried different sound signatures but it didn't make any difference.

Regarding the files:

In the UI, playing tab, it says: Stereo, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, 1266 kbps.
Through ssh, using the Linux file command I get:
FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, stereo, 44.1 kHz

Debug info:

Can someone help me both to solve and to elucidate what’s happening?
Thanks in advance : )

Edit - just to make it clear, I'm connecting the RPI3 to the DTS amplifier in exactly the same way (HDMI output).

Edit2 - a DTS file to test this condition can be found here (1.3MB) ... S.dts.flac
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Joined: 11 Jul 2017, 14:31

Re: Bitperfect sound, DTS sound

Postby SeaofThought » 03 Sep 2018, 14:24

Ok, I kind of sorted it out, the problem only occurs when using the HMDI output, I tried with Raspbian and got noise too.

However, connecting a DiGi+ board to the RPI (the DiGi is a hardware add-on with coaxial and optical output), I was able to play the dts files with no problem by connecting the optical output directly to the amplifier.

Therefore, it seems to me that HDMI on thee RPI is not allowing for bitperfect output.
Posts: 4
Joined: 11 Jul 2017, 14:31

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