
Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Re: BlueTooth

Postby Tom2112 » 19 Nov 2016, 17:00

I am very interested in having bluetooth receiving and transmitting as part of the RuneAudio package. Is there any ballpark of when this might appear? If it will at all?

Thanks again for a great project!
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby marshalleq » 16 Jan 2017, 21:56

MarmiteSandwich, sorry for some reason the forum did not alert me to your reply. I have now ensured this is on. I don't think you would need to go through a new procedue, just the same procedure. It is 'meant' to eventually be fixed in a new version of Arch, so at some point it will actually get easier. I haven't checked for a while as I migrated away from Rune and moved to Roon (confusing I know). I still have a desire to make my own BlueTooth Audio receiver / speaker out of a Pi though and I have collected some information now that I think will achieve it. I'd be happy to work with you on this if you like.

Also, you can obviously get hold of me at ... rch-linux/ via the comments, which I'm always trying to gain additionalengagement at. I've actually seen guys asking on Reddit how to follow my guides and they don't think to use the comments and ask the guy that wrote it LOL.

Anyway, best of luck - maybe I'll just do it anyway. :)
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby MarmiteSandwich » 16 Jan 2017, 22:36

marshalleq - I will have a go at this in the near future and respond if necessary thru your knowhow comments. I am somewhat in trepidation because of being non-fluent in Linux. I am more competent with CP/M, but that is probably before your time ;-)
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby marshalleq » 16 Jan 2017, 22:38

Ha, when I was a lot younger I somehow ended up with a CP/M computer. I had no idea what to do with it at the time and I don't know where it went, probably to the dump. Probably be worth money now in a museum or something. :)
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby MarmiteSandwich » 16 Jan 2017, 22:51

Had to type in <ctrl>c if you changed the floppy, to tell it to re-read the directory.

Course, that was luxury compared to the DEC PDP-8 which I worked with briefly (on a defence project for guided missiles!). Then you had to enter the boot strap one byte at a time - 8 flip flop switches at a time, or was it 16? If you got it right it would then load assembler from paper tape. Sometimes I think this was easier than Linux, where you have to be careful to get the case correct. And services are called daemons?
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby marshalleq » 16 Jan 2017, 22:52

LOL. Paper data storage is definitely something before my time. :D
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby Packer » 30 Jan 2017, 23:06

Bluetooth streaming capablities of RuneAudio would indeed be a great addiiton that can be easily implemented now RPi3 having standard embedded BT. Ultimate streaming device !!!
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby hondagx35 » 30 Jan 2017, 23:11

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Re: BlueTooth

Postby marshalleq » 31 Jan 2017, 01:04

Yes would love an easy solution. I think I have most of the pieces ready for it now though, but I don't seem to ever get around to completing it. Plus I'm not a coder, so I'm stuck with other peoples work for the most part. Anyway, with any luck...
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Re: BlueTooth

Postby Crucerio » 09 Apr 2017, 15:12

As I surfed around I found this on git:

Maybe it is stable enough to join the next runeaudio build, I will try to get it to work on my PI3 and report the outcome here.
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