I've just bought a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with the official case/charger so should be powerful enough.
I've installed the Pi3 image file onto the flash card and slotted it into the PI and then plugged it in, however nohing then seems to happen. There is only a red LED lit on the front (i believe there should be a green LED also if things are going well?)
All that is plugged in at the moment is the network cable and the power cable so no other devices yet.
I've tried re-installing the image but that doesn't change anything. I also tried booting up with no flash card to see if there were anything else to note but the same happened then too.
Any suggestions for what i can try?
Also i though the Pi3 had built in WIFI? I've just been reading i need a dongle for this to work. Is that right?
EDIT - As an update, i've just installed Volumio and that is working nicely. What i did notice was that when i flashed the Rune Audio image, one it had finished installing the SD card disappeared from Windows and so i couldn't properly eject it. However with Volumio it was there for me to eject.