brainstorm: RuneAudio, Chromecast Audio, DAC/AMP

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

brainstorm: RuneAudio, Chromecast Audio, DAC/AMP

Postby waves » 28 Oct 2015, 11:53

Google has released Chromecast Audio (CA), like chromecast but for audio only. A pretty handy device and bound to get support from a lot of apps.

I want to use both CA and Runeaudio. One way is to use an amp with two separate inputs, one from the Rune device and one from CA. But for a compact system for example raspberry with Pi-DAC+ Pi-DigiAMP+ shields it would be useful to be able to plug CA as an input to the Rune device (or one of its shields) and pass the audio through to the amp. Since there are some tools for scripting Chromecasts, like pychromecast, that likely will work with the new CA such a setup could perhaps also do smart automatic switching. For example if the user casts some audio from a smartphone the Rune device would detect the input stream and pause the regular Rune content playback. And vice versa.

CA already works with Spotify, Google Play Music, Youtube and more and likely most if not all big music streaming sites will join the bandwagon. The approach I've brainstormed here could be a way for RuneAudio to play nice side by side with those streaming services without all the complex work of building them into the Rune GUI. Which could be a good thing, Rune devs could then focus on its core feature of MPD playback.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2014, 10:33

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