Building a Hi-Fi system as a complete newbie

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Building a Hi-Fi system as a complete newbie

Postby Navel » 21 Nov 2016, 04:19


I would like to build a Hi-Fi system based on Raspberry Pi 2 B+ with RuneAudio, but I am lost. I don't have any clue about what I must do to achieve my project.

Which DAC should I get, for instance ? How can I know which one will be better suited to satisfy my needs ? And what about the stereo speaker ?

Also, are there any cases that aren't to expensive and which could contain the Raspberry + the DAC ? On Audiophonics, they all seem to cost around 50-60 euros minimum.

I guess the best thing I could find would be a step-by-step guide to help me build my Hi-Fi system... do you know some that could be adressed by a beginner ?

I know I asked lots of questions, but, again, I feel like I'm lost ^^. Thanks for your time, anyhow.
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Re: Building a Hi-Fi system as a complete newbie

Postby pelliott321 » 21 Nov 2016, 12:31

I would start small just to get something up and running
Could be as simple as music on USB stick, your Pi and some powered computer speakers.
I have two Rune/Pi's working
One using the HiFiBerry Dac and amp and speakers in my living room
The other is driving a USB Dac in my sound room in the basement. All music files reside on a NAS
I have tried other RPi solutions and Rune is the best, most mature one out there that I have found.
Support here is great
But you need two decide what your system will be. You have to decide on speakers, amp, and how the music files are stored.
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Re: Building a Hi-Fi system as a complete newbie

Postby Navel » 21 Nov 2016, 13:57

My files will be stored on an external hard drive, but I also would like to plug a CD reader. As for the speakers and the amp, I've been told that the amp is useless as long as the speaker is "active" or something like that. Is that correct ?

A USB DAC is enough to have a great quality sound ?
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Re: Building a Hi-Fi system as a complete newbie

Postby surfninja » 21 Nov 2016, 16:31

I would start even smaller. Try playing music from your phone, Ipod, or some mp3 player on what ever stereo you have.

Once you know you have a working system, check the compatibility page for DACs. find one that fits your budget.

There are many that use hifi berry drivers and there is a lot of help from Frank on how to set these up. it might help a newbie to read a thread or two on the required configuration. This too might help you decide on a DAC direction.

Not sure what you mean by 'I also would like to plug a CD reader.' You will not be able to connect a usb cd reader to your RP and expect to play CDs using Rune. You will need some other means (that I don't now about).

Rune expects you to rip your cds to a supported audio format (I use FLAC), store them somewhere Rune can find them. I use a network drive.
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