Cache some folder listings for quicker browsing

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Cache some folder listings for quicker browsing

Postby waves » 13 Dec 2015, 13:34

AFAIK every time the user navigates to a folder in the library RuneAudio queries MPD and generates a fresh file/folder list and that results in delays/long loading time for folders with a lot of files/subfolders. For example on my Android one folder with a lot of songs in it takes around 6 seconds to load every time, even if I only navigate out of it and navigate back.

Will the next major RuneAudio release cache such file/folder lists for quicker loading? A cached listing could be useful also for browsing by album, artist and genre.
Posts: 125
Joined: 31 Dec 2014, 10:33

Re: Cache some folder listings for quicker browsing

Postby waves » 14 Dec 2015, 18:03

Posts: 125
Joined: 31 Dec 2014, 10:33

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