can connect ssh and ftp, webpage does not render

Raspberry Pi related support

can connect ssh and ftp, webpage does not render

Postby tsawyer » 24 Jan 2021, 15:14

anyone ever have this issue? I had something go wrong on my wireless taking it completely down. I believe a firmware update was needed on the switch but at this point I have wireless up again. now I have 1 pi that is acting strange. when I try to connect to the webpage, eventually it times out with the generic can not connect page. sometimes I get the flashing r or a black page but I am never able get the interface where I could do anything. I am able to ssh or ftp into the box but both seem a little slower. 2 other pis, no problem. should this be reimaged or is there something else causing a problem?
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Joined: 05 Jul 2017, 03:02

Re: can connect ssh and ftp, webpage does not render

Postby eea123 » 24 Jan 2021, 19:33

I have had my router go down and have to reboot my PI since I am using Dynamic IP. It usually comes back at the same address, but not always. Even when it is the same IP, there seems to be issues that need a reboot. I have my Rune PI, router and NAS all on UPS and still have seen it glitch maybe 1 to 2 times a year.
Posts: 155
Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 19:19

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