Can I stream USB Audio from an iPhone to a Raspberry Pi?

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Can I stream USB Audio from an iPhone to a Raspberry Pi?

Postby katherineamt » 07 Jan 2019, 08:03

The title pretty much says it all - Can I stream USB Audio from an iPhone to a Raspberry Pi?

So far, I have tried Volumio and Rune Audio which don't seem to have this capability.

I'm not sure if this is possible due to needing MFi or something of the sort.

Is there any way to do this? If there isn't, why? If there is, how can I do it?

EDIT: It's important for me to do this over USB as I am trying to find out if I can stream high-res audio (>= 24/48)

Any help here is appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: Can I stream USB Audio from an iPhone to a Raspberry Pi?

Postby janui » 13 Jan 2019, 15:26

Hi katherineamt,
What you want to do will not work with RuneAudio. There are also lots of posts on internet documenting that this will not work, mostly relating to playback in cars.
However, I have a feeling that the basic concept should work, you could look here for details of something similar: ... -35mm.html
If it works for an Apple DAC why not another USB DAC.
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