Can I sync multiple players to same source?

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Can I sync multiple players to same source?

Postby 172pilot » 06 May 2017, 14:20

I've recently run across RUNEAudio, and it looks great as a more polished replacement for my SqueezePlayer based systems.. One feature I am not seeing, but hoping I'm just missing is the ability to sync two or more players to the same source, so that (for example) as you move from one zone to another, there's no difference in the audio (ie: not a second or so delay different so it sounds strange as you move from zone to zone)

With the Squeezeplayer, I can tell one player to just slave to another and it basically creates one zone that controls both players that are sync'd exactly. Any similar feature here?

Thanks in advance.. It looks like an awesome system!
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Re: Can I sync multiple players to same source?

Postby hondagx35 » 07 May 2017, 12:02

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