Can not make MPD rebuild library

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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby surfninja » 28 Oct 2016, 02:07

John, If you see the mount point on the 'Library' screen look like the attached and you can't click on the Network mounts and view your HD, you probably have a permissions problem. I'd suggest you set the user/name password when you mount the file system. I had to set the username/password to my mount point working.
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 29 Oct 2016, 10:37

Is somebody there to help me???

My hard drive is mounted and recognized as /dev/sda1 USB/ELEMENTS.

When I click "REBUILD MPD LIBRARY" the spinning wheel appears for a second and nothing happens.

I love Rune but I can't use it PLEASE HELP!! :? :?
Last edited by johnberg on 29 Oct 2016, 11:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 29 Oct 2016, 11:14


Sorry I did not see your answer because it jumped to page 2 :oops:

What do you mean with set username/password when mount the filesystem?
I can't find any options in Rune for setup userename/password
As I said before I was using Volumio and it scanned the harddrive with no problems.

Is there something I did not see perhaps?

My harddisk is properly mounted with a green sign as /dev/sda1

What am I doing wrong
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby hondagx35 » 29 Oct 2016, 17:02

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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 29 Oct 2016, 20:47

Hi Frank,

I use my old RPI 1 for only music.

My HDD is untouched, as far as I know formatted to ntfs

Before succesfully used with Volumio ;)
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 29 Oct 2016, 21:02

When I give the command in Putty as you show I get the answer "Elements"
Yeah, thats my baby who is not recognized!!
Sorry I think it is recognized but Rune is refusing to scan the awfull lot of files.
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby hondagx35 » 29 Oct 2016, 22:16

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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 30 Oct 2016, 13:19

Hi Frank,

Yes there are also a lot of nonmusic files on my hdd.
Is coverart a problem .jpeg and .png? I don't hope so.
How do I create an .mpdignore file? Just rename a .txt file with no content?

I hope that the developer is also working on this problem and I hope that the next update will solve this issue. :D
I think I gonna try first now with some musicfiles on a simple usb-stick.

I also see now that I can't reach the hdd on Rune with the filebrowser on my Ipad (SMB).
Upnp and dlna is enabled.

I love Rune because it is putting the files in a Spotify playlist in the playlist of Rune itself. Volumio 1.55 is just playing the whole list and you can only listen everything or next - next - next........this is very boring.
I think Rune even can make a mix of Spotify and hdd tracks in the playlist.

How do I make a command in Putty to see the musicfikes on my hdd?
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby surfninja » 02 Nov 2016, 17:29

John, Frank provided some tidbits of info. if you click on the .mpdignore link, you should get an idea how the file is used.

while I don't have any problems with rune and my NAS, my guess you create this file and add lines describing the files you want to ignore.


My guess based on your questions, you will want to use nano (again google is your friend) text editor. I use vi or ed but don't recommend it for you.
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Re: Can not make MPD rebuild library

Postby johnberg » 04 Nov 2016, 11:03


Can you give me a simple step by step guide to add lines for ignoring files while using Nano text editor.
I am not Inux expert and even don't where to begin.

Can I also use Putty to add these lines?

I am wondering why NAS users have not problem at all with Rune when building the MPD library.
As I wrote before Volumio is working perfect with my harddisk and we should work on it that Rune can do the same, it is very essential! :shock:

Please any help is welcome :?
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