Can Rune Audio replace an Audio Shield for the Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi related support

Can Rune Audio replace an Audio Shield for the Raspberry Pi?

Postby PostModernCynic » 14 Apr 2016, 20:18

Hey, guys!

I was hoping to get some guidance through this forum.

Here's the basic rundown of the project I'm currently working on: I'm wanting to use the Raspberry Pi Zero as a macro controller that would be connected to an EXPLORE-NFC board, so I can then use individual NFC tags to trigger different sound files, which, instead of being placed on an SD card, could be placed on the Rune Audio software.

I'd basically just like to result to be something where you plug in headphones, and nfc tag hits the sensor, and a sound file plays.

I'm trying to keep the setup as compact and as simplistic as possible which is why I was wondering if it is at all possible to limit the audio shield entirely.

I'm also a musician, not a tech engineer, so I would certainly appreciate any help but also GREATLY appreciate it if you could explain it to me like I'm a child.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 14 Apr 2016, 19:58

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