Can't connect to Rune Audio

Cubietruck related support

Can't connect to Rune Audio

Postby LC31 » 23 Jul 2015, 12:42

Hi everybody,

I installed the last version of Rune Audio on a Cubieboard 3 (Cubietruck) today.
I plugged the Cubie on my network with the card in and switched it on. I then tried to:
1) connect to http://runeaudio.local/ and it did not work;
2) Connect to the device IP and it did not work either;
3) SSH the device and it did not work;
4) Check my router and found the device on the network map, also check my port routing and nothing special there;
5) Ping the device IP and it actually worked.

Can anyone tell me please what I am missing? I basically see the device on my network, I can ping it but that's it. It is odd.

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 27 May 2015, 17:05

Re: Can't connect to Rune Audio

Postby LC31 » 23 Jul 2015, 13:07

I found why it is not working but cannot fix it: I currently have a Lubuntu installed on the NAND and it seems the cubie won't boot from the SD but on the NAND instead.
Now my issue is the following: how can I make the cubie boot on the SD? In the alternative, how do I wipe the NAND?

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Re: Can't connect to Rune Audio

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Jul 2015, 20:38

Hi LC31,

the boot sequence on a Cubieboard is as follows:
If a microSD card is present, then the Cubieboard will try to boot from the microSD card.
If there is no microSD card present, then the Cubieboard will boot from the internal memory (NAND flash).

So i think there is something wrong with your sd card or the image.
Is it image?

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