Can't connect to RuneAudio.local

Raspberry Pi related support

Can't connect to RuneAudio.local

Postby avvy65 » 27 Feb 2018, 15:39

I have had a problem with wifi here, and not sure it is sorted yet, but since a few days ago my android tablet could not connect to runeaudio.local on the pi3 by wireless. I have a genuine raspberry pi wifi dongle, and the only way my android devices could connect to rune was when or if I hardwired the pi3 next to the router. As soon as I disconnected the ethernet cable , then runeaudio.local was not accessible. I have also tried by ip address, and well as a new installation of rune on the sd card, and nothing will connect by wireless.

Is it possble the wifi dongle has gone kaput, but I have 2 of them, and can't see both going wrong at the same time.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2017, 20:22

Re: Can't connect to RuneAudio.local

Postby bretta200 » 14 Mar 2018, 13:17

Could be a number of things.
When I cant connect to Rune its usually because of internet providers router - its a crap Talktalk one, I have to reboot it and alls fine for another few days/weeks then it will not find the connection, its really annoying.

It could be your RPI's IP address is dynamic and changing each reboot, download and run 'Advanced IP Scanner'. It'll find the IP address of all items connected to your network. Enter the IP address it finds for Rune in your search bar and it should connect
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Joined: 30 Apr 2017, 17:43

Re: Can't connect to RuneAudio.local

Postby irishwill2008 » 30 Mar 2018, 09:42

What i do for the pi is set a static IP address. This way, i can route in at the same ip all the time and it will never change!

I noticed my end that runeaudio.local or http://runeaudio etc doesnt work ALL the time for me. So i had to resort to a static IP. <-- At least i can now connected 100% of the time.. Only thing is, at first you need to keep looking for the ip you set it too but now it comes natural to me.. Try keep the ending IP digit simple? EG: the 100 is what i mean by simple :).

Hope this helps!!


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