Hi all,
My Edimax dongle is dead... RIP
I wanted to try another dongle that I have, a TP-LINK Archer T2U. But Runeaudio (ODROID C1+, runeaudio 0.3-alpha build 20140709, runeUI 1.3alpha) didn't recongnize it while I pluged it.
On the TP-link website, there is a linux driver for this dongle (https://github.com/Myria-de/mt7610u_wif ... o_20130916) and a package exists in AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mt7610u_wifi_sta/)
So I ssh-ed my odroid, did a pacman -Sy and tried a pacman -S mt7610u_wifi_sta but got "error: target not found: mt7610u_wifi_sta"
I played with archlinux a longtime ago and didn't remember how to install a package from an archive, I don't want to brake my installation to...
Could someone help me to install this dongle (it seems possible since there is a driver) ? Thanks.