Can't play music!

Raspberry Pi related support

Can't play music!

Postby lfoscari » 07 Dec 2015, 03:12

I'm new to raspberry and rune audio, I can't play music...first of all I downloaded the v0.3-beta for a Raspberry Pi 2+ and it successfully connected to wi-fi and logged to RuneUI and read the usb where i put .flac files.
I thought I already passed through the hard part, but when I add a song to the queue in the playback section appears name, author, hz and bits but it doesn't start! kbps=0, the seconds counter is at 0 and the play button is pressed! At this point I thought that my files where corrupted or something else, so i switched to Spotify, but the same problem appeared, but name, author, hz and kbps are not shown, there's only the loading bar! I'm sure it's a stupid problem but I really can't find it! This is the link for my bug report () Please help me.

Thank you.
Luigi Foscari
Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 02:54

Re: Can't play music!

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Dec 2015, 18:17


you have no external sound card, right?

Ifso, go to
and change the output to HDMI and then back to Analog.

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Re: Can't play music!

Postby lfoscari » 08 Dec 2015, 19:00

Thank you for your reply, after writing this post I had many problems more so erased the sd card and reinstalled rune audio and did everything again, and now works fine!
Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Dec 2015, 02:54

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