Hi, I have a Raspberry Pi 2. Connected to a USB drive and USB DAC. Everything works fine, however, when I log into the Pi from my macbook using SSH to use these commends to update:
cd /var/www
git pull
curl -s -X GET 'http://localhost/clear'
this is the result:
Last login: Sat Jul 16 04:39:55 2016 from
[root@runeaudio ~]# ls
[root@runeaudio ~]# cd /var/www
[root@runeaudio www]# git pull
Updating 71f5236..e6f6474
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
Please move or remove them before you can merge.
[root@runeaudio www]# curl -s -X GET 'http://localhost/clear' .
I am no expert, but hoping one can advise me how to progress?
Thanks in anticipation