Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby XploD » 14 Oct 2015, 20:19

Today I finally found a trace; seems that my problems with Wi-Fi are somehow related to LIRC. I moved to another city and I hoped that there won't be problems anymore since I have a better and newer router here and it's very close so signal strength is excellent but problems are here again, and this time sometimes even worse; sometimes the Wi-Fi dongle won't even start (the LED is off). Since I have a TV with HDMI here, I connected my Pi and here's what I discovered:

Sometimes I got this when I turn on or reboot my Pi, and in that case, the Wi-Fi doesn't work:
DSC_0003.jpg (210 KiB) Viewed 1551 times

Otherwise I get this and then Wi-Fi works:
DSC_0004.jpg (235.16 KiB) Viewed 1551 times

I tried to reboot it dozens of times and everytime it was the same situation: if there's this LIRC error, Wi-Fi is dead, if there's no error, Wi-Fi works. Sometimes I had to reboot it 5 or more times to get it working, without error. Also, I haven't noticed any regularity in appearing of this error.

Any idea what could cause this? I know that LIRC is not a part of RuneAudio but I just can't live without it :D
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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Oct 2015, 22:18

Hi XploD,

i do not think that your problem has something to do with lirc.
The message you get on the console is not an error it's only a notice that is printed to the console.
This message appears at the same time the login prompt is displayed.
Hit enter and you'll get the prompt back.

There is a timing issue with your wifi or with systemd on your system.
Please send me your debug info (dmseg) for the two situations (wifi OK / wifi NOK).

BTW: i have the same notice on my cubietruck and wifi works perfect all the time.

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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby XploD » 15 Oct 2015, 09:13

It makes sense what you say because, as far as I remember, I had the same problems even with clean install. But from the other side, why Wi-Fi dies exactly every time when message appears and why it works when there is no message? Also, why this message sometimes appear and sometimes not? LIRC works every time, regarding this message.

I will post here debug info as soon as I find a way to get wifi NOK since I don't have a keyboard nor a long enough cable to connect to router via Ethernet so once Wi-Fi dies, I'm not able to interact with Pi and I have to do power unplug/plug. That's why this problem bothers me so much because if the Wi-Fi is not working, I'm not able to do anything. The only solution is to bring the Pi closer to the router and connect it via cable but this is not easy because of :D (I'm trying to forward all the work for LCD and buttons to PIC microcontroller connected with Pi by serial connection) and my GPIO pins are a little bit bent so pulling out the cable is very hard.
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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby XploD » 16 Oct 2015, 16:50

I managed to share my Wi-Fi connection through Ethernet socket on my laptop and then connect my Pi there, so here you go:

Wi-Fi OK:
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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby XploD » 10 Dec 2015, 12:31

Have you found anything? Problems are back and now they're even worse than before. The whole thing is just unnusable. It takes 15-20 reboots for the Wi-Fi to get connected. I tried that other nano dongle, the same + it works even worse, the signal is almost full but I can't even play web radio, it stutters and breaks all the time.

And now, the whole thing is dead. It takes too long to boot and I get this message everytime:

DSC_0045.JPG (151.7 KiB) Viewed 1448 times

And that bigger dongle with antenna is dead, it doesn't even light up (green led) It does at the beggining but then it dissapears before the system boots up.

The smaller one still works but it barely works. The connection keeps dropping all the time. I can get to load RuneUI (although it's slow) but when I try to play web radio, the connection drops.

It DEFINITELY has to do something with LIRC but I can't find what and why. I had these problems even with clean image.

What should I do? I don't see any other option than try some other system, but RuneAudio is far the best and this is not an option I want to take. But I have to fix this ASAP. I lost all my tempers with this Wi-Fi and ethernet cable is not an option at all. That's why I can't even fix it because I can't access it when Wi-Fi is not working.
Music taste:
Audio source: Raspberry Pi 2 + Sabre ES9023 DAC + WD 500 GB HDD + TP-Link TL-WN722N Wi-Fi + D-LINK Dub H7 USB hub
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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby hondagx35 » 10 Dec 2015, 18:14

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Re: Cannot connect to wireless network via wifi dongle

Postby XploD » 12 Dec 2015, 14:52

Music taste:
Audio source: Raspberry Pi 2 + Sabre ES9023 DAC + WD 500 GB HDD + TP-Link TL-WN722N Wi-Fi + D-LINK Dub H7 USB hub
Mixer: Nady Audio MM-242
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