Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

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Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby scot-e-dog » 17 Dec 2016, 14:51

I am running Runeaudio on an RPi3, with the official 7" display (and hence the local browser is enabled).

Previously, every so often, I couldn't connect to Runeaudio with the browser on another computer connected to my network. A reboot of the RPi would always fix this.

However, starting today I cannot connect to the RPI at all, no matter how many times I try to reboot. If I type the IP address into the browser, I get a message that the address cannot be reached.

I have tried from different computers on the network, but the same result every time. The RPi has a static address. It still connects to the network and streams music from my NAS, no problems. I can use the touchscreen to control it as normal. I can log onto my Router and see that the RPi is logged on, just no joy in trying to access it remotely.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Dec 2016, 19:12

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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby dynobot » 17 Dec 2016, 20:28

Wired or wireless connection?

Can you ssh into the RPi?

If you log into your router does it show?
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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby scot-e-dog » 20 Dec 2016, 12:10


sorry for taking a while to respond.

I am on a wireless connection. Having read around, there are known wireless problems with my router (Thompson TG582n), so I have upgraded the firmware. I will see how this works out.

I have it all working again now, so will have to wait and see. I'll let you know if the problem persists.


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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby scot-e-dog » 27 Dec 2016, 13:24

I still get this problem on the odd occasion.

My set up is drawing a lot of power from the official RPi3 supply (I forgot to add that I also have a Hifiberry DAC+) .

I have just noticed that I am consistently getting the little rainbow symbol flashing in the top right corner (EDIT - I have updated the kernel to overcome the channel swapping issue and now I get a permanent 'lightening symbol' instead of the flashing rainbow)

I am going to hazard a guess that power issues could be part of my problem.

I intend to build my own linear power supply sometime in the future; however, are there any recommendations for a "wall wart" that will give enough power for:

- RPi3
- 7 inch screen
- Hifiberry DAC+

Also, what is the best way to power this combination up? I have followed the recommended option of power going into the screen and then to the RPi (which seems odd to me). I might try reversing this to see if it makes any difference.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby hondagx35 » 27 Dec 2016, 23:58

Hi scot-e-dog,

you can also power the display and Pi from separate supplies.

For the Pi3B, the recommendation is 2.5A.
For the 7" display you need min. 05A.

If you power them from a single wall adapter you need 3A to be safe.
Beside high output current you also need good quality cables, not the cheap ones.

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Re: Cannot Connect with Runeaudio

Postby scot-e-dog » 28 Dec 2016, 15:40

Thanks Frank,

that was the path I was thinking of going down as I was thinking of not bothering to build a linear power supply and buy an "ifi ipower" for the Pi/HiFiBerry (which is only 2.5A) and using any old cheap rubbish for the screen. I will just need to devise a simple way of turning them both off with one switch.

Interestingly, I have managed to get rid of the lightning bolt. I forgot to mention that I had a cheap on/off switch between the power supply and the Pi/Screen. The voltage drop across the switch was enough to cause these problems. I have now removed it, but now have to take the cable out when I shut down. I wonder if the voltage drop across some of the dedicated RPi switches (such as the one made by Pi-Supply) will cause the same problems.

It's all working beautifully now, although there is sometimes a significant lag when using the local browser when compared to a mobile or laptop computer.

Thanks all.
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