[SOLVED] Cannot delete WiFi profile

Raspberry Pi related support

[SOLVED] Cannot delete WiFi profile

Postby gearhead » 22 Apr 2015, 23:29

I am having difficulty with my B+ with Rune 0.3. I re-flashed a new 2GB image. It boots, I can connect to the ethernet, but not WiFi. Also, I cannot delete the one WiFi stored profile. It 'sees' the SSIDs but will not ever get an IP address. It shows connected but no address. Also, the dongle is no longer glowing blue...

I 'think' I see the profile in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and have commented it out, but it still shows in the UI. Where is this stored and how can I delete it. I am comfortable with CMD line.

Last edited by gearhead on 23 Apr 2015, 14:34, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 101
Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 06:04

Re: Cannot delete WiFi profile

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Apr 2015, 10:03

Hi gearhead,

with 0.3 beta the wlan profiles are stored in redis (database).
You can access the database with "redis-cli" from the command line.

To solve your problems you can update to the developer branch of runeaudio.

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Re: Cannot delete WiFi profile

Postby gearhead » 23 Apr 2015, 14:34


That was the ticket. I tried that once before and could no longer log into the web interface. Now it works and is significantly snappier.


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Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 06:04

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