[Sorted] Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume

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[Sorted] Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume

Postby gearhead » 25 Nov 2014, 06:38

Was trying volumio and wanted to give rune a try as it looks a bit more 'complete' but I have a couple issues:
1) I have to use software volume control for my HiFiBerry DAC (original for a model B, not B+). It works and I was able to have it 'just work' under raspbian with gmrender-resurrect. Under Volumio and Rune, I have to use software volume or it is 'full blast'. Daniel at HiFiBerry suggests that I need to change the mixer_control to "Playback Digital" in mpd.conf. It does not appear that I can edit it directly, though. How do I resolve this?

2) I cannot 'see' my upnp server. When I go to the The graphic is greyed out when I try to select it as a 'source'. In order to use it in volumio, I had to enable library view, but this is a bit different and I did not see that option.

3) I need to edit the pls files by hand for my local radio stations. It is way to painful to paste it all in the web interface. Where are they? Can I edit them directly?

Now as I write this, I cannot get the UI back. It is just 'connecting' forever. I'll put the volumio card in for now and wait for a response.
Last edited by gearhead on 03 Dec 2014, 15:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby ACX » 25 Nov 2014, 13:29

Hi gearhead,

1) have you selected the right mixer type in the "Volume control" select menu in the MPD section, right? That should work out of the box with the HiFiBerry DAC.. If not, please put here your debug information via Pastebin and we'll try to figure out what's happening;

2) have you enabled UPnP/DLNA under the Settings screen?

3) please take a look at this topic:
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 25 Nov 2014, 18:58

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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 26 Nov 2014, 15:45

library page
runeUI.jpg (35.83 KiB) Viewed 4548 times
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 26 Nov 2014, 15:46


(edited to use pastebin instead of forum)

Last edited by gearhead on 26 Nov 2014, 17:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 26 Nov 2014, 16:00

Ok, something weird is happening. If I add a bogus stream from the UI, the library updates and I can see the rest of the pls files I added. UNless I do that, I see nothing.

When I do this, the UI only detects 1 webradio. On the library page, it shows My Webradios (1), but when I click it, I see all 8.

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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby ACX » 26 Nov 2014, 16:36

Hi gearhead,
I'm busy now so I can only reply quickly about the UPnP/FLNA thing now.
We implemented the UPnP/DLNA renderer in RuneAudio using upmpdcli. That's not used to browse UPnP/DLNA resources on a server of your local network, but to play streams sent from there by a UPnP/DLNA control point. Please take a look at the to understand better how this works.
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby ACX » 26 Nov 2014, 16:39

And about the webradios:

PS: please edit your post and link a Pastebin instead of the whole log here, as I suggested
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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 26 Nov 2014, 17:49


Thanks for the quick reply. I fixed my post with the debug (sorry). I am better informed on how the render point works, thanks. I also understand why the radio pls works the way it does. As it is, I can now listen to radio and send music to it as a renderer. The remaining bits are to get it to see my music library on my UPnP/DLNA server and get the hardware volume working. I will dig into the hardware volume a bit more after the holiday (Thanksgiving), but need a bit of guidance as to how to see my server. I'll wait patiently.


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Re: Cannot see upnp server, no hardware volume for hifiberry

Postby gearhead » 01 Dec 2014, 03:40

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