Cant shutdown using pi touchscreen

Raspberry Pi related support

Cant shutdown using pi touchscreen

Postby Tedo1960 » 10 Feb 2016, 17:23

I'm really exited about getting my pi to drive the touch screen and Rune but cant use the UI to shutdown using the menu command. When I touch the button it takes me to a new window which says turn off player in small text, cancel as a button and the usual x top right. once when i clicked on this it did shut down but usually I can hack away at it with mi digit ad nausium and nothing happens. Its fine when I connect via browser to shut down. I have attached a photo of screen.

shutdownscreen.jpeg (60.75 KiB) Viewed 1168 times


Posts: 8
Joined: 10 Feb 2016, 17:02

Re: Cant shutdown using pi touchscreen

Postby utschu » 10 Feb 2016, 19:05

Posts: 27
Joined: 17 Mar 2015, 19:45

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