Cant start the damn thing

Raspberry Pi related support

Cant start the damn thing

Postby Andersks » 10 May 2017, 20:56

Hello guys, I am a first time user and need some help.

When I try to boot the red light is constant but green light is not on. I have written the image on to my miccro sd card and plugged it in.

I also dont understand if I need the noobs OS installed, which I have installed on an normal SD card thats plugged in a usb card reader, or if there is some sort of OS on the image file.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 10 May 2017, 20:49

Re: Cant start the damn thing

Postby antipiot » 11 May 2017, 14:33

hey mate:

Are you LAN connected? like on your router or switch? If so, when turned on, does the RJ45 LAN port show activity? if so, it probably booted correctly then you might want to find system IP using tool like advanced IP scanner or run cmd: "ping runaudio.local" will show you the righ IP adress of the host.
if lights do not turns on or if you can't tell:

format your SD card with sd formatter :
with option quick format and format size adjustement.

then write your freshly downloaded .IMG using win32 imager: on your SD card:

protip, dont use cheap very low memory noname card.

hope it was clear enough and helped.
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Cant start the damn thing

Postby krazy4 » 11 May 2017, 15:06

Hi, Like antipiot says,
Format and Write .img file onto micro SD, NO Noobs needed. Just the Runeaudio image.
Try this site for some tips. ... sic-player

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Re: Cant start the damn thing

Postby westrock2000 » 19 May 2017, 15:57

You can also connect an HDMI monitor if you are using Raspberry Pi 3, you should see a rainbow colored square and then some loading text. Eventually, you should get to the RuneAudio interface. That will at least let you know if it's working.

If you see a constant little rainbow square up in the top right, that means the USB voltage is too low and could cause problems. If the icon just pulses from time to time, that's ok.
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