Loving Rune Audio on the RPi and got myself a nice system built. Case is quite 'uniform' and nothing overly special but, for me, it works and is an ideal companion to my Denon RCD-M35 Mini System here.
Hardware: Raspberry Pi2 with latest Rune Audio running.
DAC: HifiBerry DAC + outputting to 2 x Phono sockets.
Display: HD44780 with LCD2USB and LCDproc to display 'Artist/Elapsed' and 'Title' on seperate lines.
Storage: Samsung S2 Portable 500Gb USB drive.
Power Supply: Standard 'RPi' type that's working fine (no noticeable noise!)
All in all, a nice tidy system that suits my small lounge and sounds great

- Front Panel
- Front.jpg (42.53 KiB) Viewed 4821 times
- Inside - LCD not connected at this stage.
- Insides.jpg (120.27 KiB) Viewed 4821 times
- Rear Panel - 5v in, phono outs and Ethernet connection.
- Rear.jpg (38.73 KiB) Viewed 4821 times