Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby centro » 20 Sep 2016, 13:55

Hi there,

I had also this noise when I connected my Raspi 3 (with HifiBerry DAC+ pro) to a PowerLan adapter. With this adapter I want to extend my wireless network because my WLAN was not strong enough. So I decide to install the PowerLan adapter. I tested both connections (wireless and cable) and everytime I heard this noise. It was really annoying. :(

After removing this adapter the noise was gone.

Now I'm using an Airport express to connect my Raspi 3 (with HifiBerry DAC+ pro) to my network and everything sounds good.

hope it helps. ;)

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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby Valek » 20 Sep 2016, 21:31

Hi All,

So am back from holidays and tried some more things. Unfortunately pops are still there which is quite annoying.

Can confirm it does not depend on source file (and either changing between different or same compression / etc files), it does not depend on player itself (same with Volumio and Moode, have still to try openelec maybe), does not depend on power, does not depend on network (wired or wifi).

Pops are still there on play start, manual track change and fast forward / rewind.

Anybody thinks if i get a Raspberry Pi 2 instead of 3 that would change something (ie my idea maybe there is still no full compatibility with 3) or more chances that the dac may be faulty?
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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby RB0135 » 21 Sep 2016, 06:34

The DACS I don't think are 100% the issue from all my testing as I have mentioned, my HIFIBErry DIGI+ (with transformer) cracks/pops but not my HIFIBerry DAC+.

I have played around (to the point of I couldn't be bothered anymore) and discovered that it is either MPD or ALSA that is the problem of the cracks/pops and in my case it is only when at the end of the song, is still fading down that I get the issue. I find that if a song is completely silent at the end, I don't get the pops. Likewise, at the start of the song, if it is completely silent at the start of the track, I don't get pops either.

I had one song I ripped with EAC to Flac and it popped at the start and end. I could get it constantly to do it. I decided to rip it again with EAC. Didn't make a difference. I then ripped it with DB Power to Flac. No more pops at the start or end. After this success, I tried the same experiment with another song that I could always get to pop at the start and end of the track, and when ripped with DBPower, I don't have the problem either now with that song. There is obviously such a slight issue in the way EAC ripped it and DBPower ripped it to eliminate what causes the pops..

I just wish I could find the common denominater in why the EAC ripped version causes pops and the DBPower version doesn't.

This is just my experience, but maybe some brainy-ack reading this might jar something as to the reason.
#1 - rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 3B, HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, Wifi-Static IP, Music on NAS, Technics SU-V550 (RCA)
#2 - rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 3B, HiFiBerry DIGI+ (Transformer version), Wifi-Static IP, Music on NAS, Sony STR-DA5400ES (Coax)
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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby AndyF » 21 Sep 2016, 20:21

My RPi2 plays from USB-Stick - it is connected via Ethernet-Cable und only controlled by network; no files are played from network source. Silent pops occur independent from file format or ripping-software.


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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby Valek » 25 Sep 2016, 13:48

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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby hondagx35 » 25 Sep 2016, 14:44

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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby Valek » 25 Sep 2016, 15:39

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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby Phil123 » 17 Mar 2017, 09:37


I am also getting a pop when changing tracks and I have reinstalled the image using the latest update from last year. I have an IQ Audio DAC+ and Raspberry Pi 2 (Model B). Can this actually be fixed? I was also getting a crackling noise at certain points in tracks yesterday but that seems to be gone now.

EDIT: I have just noticed that 0.4 is in beta, is it fixed in that version?
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Re: Click/Pop/Crack when changing tracks

Postby Phil123 » 23 Mar 2017, 05:55

Yesterday I unplugged my RPi setup and took it downstairs to try wired instead of wireless + different cables etc to try and fix this problem. It still gave me pops after each track but then suddenly that stopped happening. I don't know why so I took it back upstairs and used the exact same setup as I did before and it's still playing without pops so.. yeah. I had rebooted it numerous times in the past with no success so I really don't understand how it's working properly now.
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