by KHatfull » 18 Jan 2015, 06:00
Try logging into the box via Putty/SSH and run alsamixer. See where the gain for the Pi-DAC+ is set, make sure it's not above 0db.
While you're there you could reduce the gain -3db from wherever it is which should solve your issue at 100% volume in RA.
However, I find that after a powercycle I have to reset the gain in alsamixer to where I want it, it doesn't seem to stick.
Synology DS214+ -> RP3 -> Hifiberry Digi+ -> Audio-Gd NOS1704 (coax) -> Audio-GD C-2 preamp/headphone amp ->
1) Yamaha M-4 Power Amp -> Energy Pro 22 Speakers OR 2) HiFiMan HE-400i
Audio Nirvana!!!