Confused by Player

Raspberry Pi related support

Confused by Player

Postby PerLinden » 16 Aug 2018, 08:51

I have installed some Addons and had some problems.
Playing around without remebering exactly what I have done !

I am using RPI 3B and a HiFiBerry Digi+.
Using the temporary version that has the Access Point built in (RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20170229_2GB.img).
The SD partition is expanded.

The symptoms are :

1. The Addons in the player meny has disappeared.

2. I have no sound from my amplifier.

3. The "time played/time remaining" to the left in the Play window does not move (when playing).

4. The indicator LED on my USB HD shows steady light, before it flashed every 2 seconds.

It looked like as the RPI could not get the files from the HD, but the HD is OK
(checked off line).
Also, MPD displays the content correctly.

I can scroll around within the menues and everything looks "normal".
I have used the current setup for a few months with no problems.
I guess the obvious thing to do is to reflash the SD card.
I have used the image previously downloaded and saved on my laptop.
However, the RPI will not be visible on the network (and I can not access it).
I also tried with a new (unused) 16G SD card.

My best attempt just now is probably to download the image again, as the one I have saved does not work !


I reflashed my SD and used the Access Point feature to set up Rune properly.
I wll wait for a properly tested and debugged ADDONS Before i install it.
Thanks !
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Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 11:04

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