Connect Raspberry Pi to laptop using Ethernet and share and

Raspberry Pi related support

Connect Raspberry Pi to laptop using Ethernet and share and

Postby ikelini » 03 Jan 2022, 15:46

Hi, I implemented an static IP address for the Ethernet connection between the RPi and my laptop using the laptop's Ethernet adapter ipv4 address. I input the following code into the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:

interface eth0 static ip_address = XXX.XXX.X.XXX

static routers = XXX.XXX.X.XXX static domain_name_servers = XXX.XXX.X.XXX

It was working for a long time but then I had and SD card failure and I had to use a fresh install of rasbian, I used the same process and is not working. I am able to ssh into it using the static IP address but before I was able to relay a internet connection from my laptop to the RPi.

I was wondering if you guys can help with this, this they change something with newer versions of rasbian that do not allow to do this. Or is there a better way to accomplish this (establish connection between PC and RPi using Ethernet and being able to share internet connection with that connection)
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