I'm trying to solve some issues:
My Configuration :
Raspberry P2 model B connected to the network by wi-fi dongle (random IP address )
HDD x 2 -usb 3.0- conf. raid 1- part. FAT 32 - 3 TB
Unfortunately i'm not able to connect to Runeaudio at first shot with my macbook and sometime it does'n connect at all so. , i have to close and re-open the browser ( the connection is wireless as well ). If i try to use the IP addres instead of http:// runeaudio.local i get the same result.. . My wifi network is ok . signal strengh very good.. Something about my browser ?? What do you think ??
The second point concerning the player..
The infos about flac files and cover art are showing on screen every time i create a playlist in the queue and the play starts , but... Rune Audio goes in a kind of " freeze" if i leave the macbook for a little while... If i re-open it , the files informations are blocked on first tracks and remains the same even if i go to the next song.. Sometime i cannot acces to the HDD as well..it depends..
What do you suggest me?? Could be a network connection problem?? My ext HDD ( i don't think so ..) ??
I'm getting crazy..
Thank You