Considerable lag?

Beaglebone Black related support

Considerable lag?

Postby froggyman » 08 Feb 2014, 06:38

Here's my setup: BBB, USB DAC, TuneBlade (system wide Airplay client), and the latest RuneAudio build. I have the TuneBlade settings set to the minimum buffer sizes (0). It takes ~2 seconds for audio to pause (and a similar amount of time to play, but that's not really an issue IMO). The bigger issue I have is that audio from video playback (YouTube, Netflix, and occassionally VLC) is considerably out of sync (probably by about 2 seconds...). This makes watching videos with people talking virtually worthless.

Is there any way to fix/dramtically reduce the lag on my setup (or suggestions for a better setup)? I really like the idea of having an external device play my audio, and then connect to it over my network. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Considerable lag?

Postby ACX » 08 Feb 2014, 15:59

Hi froggyman, you are using TuneBlade to stream from Windows to your BBB via the Shairport plugin we included in RuneAudio, that's right?
I'm going to try replicate your setup and see if I have the same problems. It will take me some time because I'm very busy with coding, so please be patient.
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Re: Considerable lag?

Postby froggyman » 08 Feb 2014, 22:17

Yup! That's my setup. Perhaps there's a better way to accomplish what I want though? I just started out with the AirPlay/Shairport route since it seemed simplest. Maybe it'd be better to use something like an ssh tunnel for audio (from windows to linux on the BBB), or something with PulseAudio's audio sharing features?
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