Control Rune Audio via TCP/IP commands

Raspberry Pi related support

Control Rune Audio via TCP/IP commands

Postby electroremy » 21 Apr 2020, 11:28


My final goal is to integrate my Raspberry Pi / Hifiberry Dac / Rune Audio in a DIY Automation system 8-)

In each room of my house, I have an "Human Machine Interface" :
- an Arduino Uno
- a 2.8" tft touch screen SPI module
- a TCP/IP SPI module

An Arduino Mega is use a the central unit of my automation system.

Every Arduinos are connected together via TCP/IP Ethernet modules, with a router.

The "central unit" Arduino Mega can turn on or off several devices ; for my audio systems, it will :
- turn on or off laud speakers in each room, connected to a single audio amplifier
- select an FM aerial
- control the amplifier source, volume, FM station via IR remote control signal
- turn on or off the raspberry pi wich runs Rune Audio

So I want to connect the Raspberry Pi wich runs Rune Audio via Ethernet on my Automation system, in order to control Rune Audio via my Arduinos Uno Human Machine Interface.

Indeed, I want to know if it's possible to send TCP/IP "commands" to Rune Audio :
- play
- pause
- next track
- previous track

I want to program a full control remote via TCP/IP, that can browse my MP3 files :
- get genre directory list and change genre directory
- get artist directory list change artist directory
- get album directory list change album directory
- plays album (play, pause, next track, previous track)

I want to know if it's possible, or witch langage and IDE I had to use to program my own plugin for Rune Audio.

Indeed My Arduinos Uno Human Machine Interface will use the TFT touch screen to browse MP3 files

A long time ago (20 years) I made a "MP3 box" with an old computer running under Windows 95.
I've made a DIY Human Machine Interface with a LCD screen and keyboard push buttons, you can view photos here :


Also I made electronics for 27 years...
I created also software, for example you can find "CiDess", a free software to create PCB, it has english version and english website :

Now I want to deals with modern electronic : Raspberry Pi, Arduinos, TCP/IP...

By my time I have to deals with :
- 8051 and assembler language
- eproms
- no Internet
- slow and low memory but very fun computer like Amiga 1200

...and also energy-consuming incandescent bulbs Image

Best regards
Posts: 9
Joined: 21 Apr 2020, 09:47

Re: Control Rune Audio via TCP/IP commands

Postby janui » 24 Apr 2020, 08:18

Hi electroremy,

Very impressive kit, nice project. You can issue a whole load of control commands via html. Most of the commands supported by MPC are supported by RuneAudio (see here for the MPC manual:

The format for RuneAudio is:

http://runeaudio.local/command?cmd=volume -10
http://runeaudio.local/command?cmd=volume +10

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Re: Control Rune Audio via TCP/IP commands

Postby electroremy » 25 Apr 2020, 19:30

Thank you very much !

MPC command are very pratical and they do not need a powerfull µC so it's perfect for Arduinos projects

Indeed, I try to control Rune Audio with a smart phone via the local web site and it's very efficient too.

Best regards
Posts: 9
Joined: 21 Apr 2020, 09:47

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