Converting Rpi in to Hi-Fi audio system with RuneAudio

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Converting Rpi in to Hi-Fi audio system with RuneAudio

Postby graceinc » 08 May 2017, 11:01

Was listening to some music over the weekend and every time i had to get up to change the songs which was quite frustrating. I do use a Raspberry Pi for various purpose. Was wondering if i can use it to convert the device into an audio system using Rune Audio. So i can control the music menu from my laptop or desktop.
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Re: Converting Rpi in to Hi-Fi audio system with RuneAudio

Postby Piriformis » 08 May 2017, 15:27

Yes you can. You can call up RuneaudioUI from a smart phone, tablet, PC provided you are in the same network. You can in fact control several RPi3's with Rune Audio installed. I use it as the sole player for my high-end hifi system and so far, no PC has been able to compare to the RPi3 when it comes to sound quality. Now I'm just talking about playing from a NAS or an USB memory stick. Playing Tidal or Spotify, I still use a PC.

Stefan Andersson
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Re: Converting Rpi in to Hi-Fi audio system with RuneAudio

Postby pepe9546 » 16 May 2017, 22:25

You definitely can. I'm using Rune Audio on a Raspberry Pi 2B and a portable 500GB hard drive all connected and run by a powered USB hub. You can sign onto the Rune web interface by putting its IP address in any browser that is connected to the same network the Raspberry Pi is connected to. I am even able to connect it to my iPhone's hot spot if no WiFi is available and control the Rune Audio player from the phone that way with no problem. It can be done, I won't say there isn't a learning curve and a few failures along the way but the result is well worth the effort. Good Luck!!
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