Couple New Features.

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Couple New Features.

Postby piko » 20 Sep 2016, 11:06

Dear RuneAudio Team,

I would like to implement couple features and I'm actually happy to pay to add those.

1 - crossover between tunes, + set custom crossover time
2 - playlist scheduling based on time of a day
3 - uploading music via FTP
4 - track counting. System reports of which track's have been played how many times.
5 - audio normalisation - every track from the playlist has to play on the same volume regardless of the volume its been mastered or recorded.

I'm happy to contribute to the project myself but never done any linux development. If anyone could give me a jump start on this I would be more than happy to devote some time and work on those features.
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Re: Couple New Features.

Postby ACX » 20 Sep 2016, 22:37

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Re: Couple New Features.

Postby piko » 01 Oct 2016, 20:04

Thank you ACX,

I'm home automation systems programmer (AMX, Crestron, RTI, Extron) bit of DSP programming as well. Currently working on some IoT solutions so I'm gaining a lot from these type of projects. Those programming languages are a little bit different, but I have a general knowledge about programming, did a bit in C#, Java Script. I'd like to get more into writing code because if I don't use I'll keep forgetting things and I would't like that. I don't like to program things just for sake of programming, therefore I was looking for ambitious project where I can contribute and maybe learn a thing or two. I'm really happy to pick up any necessary skills as I go therefore if you/or anyone else can point me into right direction and maybe give me a tip here or there I'll get into this much faster.

all the best ツ
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Re: Couple New Features.

Postby diGga » 23 Nov 2016, 22:21

Hi piko,

i use Crestron at home and would like to control RuneAudio via my Touchpanel.
Have you maybe already a SIMPL Windows Modul programmed?
My Crestron Programming skills are bad. Maybe you can help?

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