I have a Raspberry P1 3B loaded with Runeaudio
I have a HiFiberry Dac Pro sound board on it
I am experiencing a crash when I tap the volume up/down buttons under the volume control wheel.
This happens regardless of whether music is playing or not, requiring a power cycle re-boot.
I did alter the "/root/.xinitrc" to allow a screen saver/blanker with the following info I found on this Forum
#xset -dpms &
-> Disabled this by commenting out.
# turn off screensaver
#xset s off &
xset s on &
-> Changes this to "on"
- - - - -
Has anyone seen this issue and is there a solution other that "then don't tap the buttons (hahaha)"
Yes I did return the "xset s on &" back to its original
Thank for any help I can get
Attached is a picture of the buttons