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Cubox i4 and USB DACs : CuBox • RuneAudio Forum

Cubox i4 and USB DACs

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Cubox i4 and USB DACs

Postby bdouble » 19 May 2014, 15:41

Hi all,

I've just purchased a Cubox i4 and am looking to get a music server up and running on this platform, along with a USB DAC.

The DAC's I'm looking at are a Wavelength Proton or a Ciunas USB DAC.

I understand Rune won't be supporting the i4 until Beta-0.4, is that correct? I have Volumio installed and currently up and running with audio out via HDMI, but am very much hoping that Rune will support this configuration as I would prefer to run that.

Any idea about the support for the Cubox i4 along with these USB DAC platforms?

Are there better choices for Rune and these DACs than the Cubox i4?
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Joined: 19 May 2014, 15:37

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