Current Rune Versions

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Current Rune Versions

Postby rlsten » 01 Jan 2020, 19:45

I've been using a very stable version of Rune (.05b janui-20180903-8 with Rern's Addons) for quite a while with my Raspberry Pi 3B and a USB hard disk drive.

I see that a number of new versions of Rune have since been developed, and it's getting a little difficult to keep them straight as to what each one offers.

Would someone mind listing the versions of Rune that are actively being developed for the Raspberry Pi, what features they offer, and how they differ? It might also help to identify which versions work with which RPi models, which work with directly attached screens, which can be updated and how (as well as what is upgrade-able--kernel, MPD version, packages?), and any limitations which a version is known to have.

I think such a list might prove useful both for Rune veterans like myself as well as new users trying to figure out what version best suits their needs. If people think it would be helpful, I'd be happy to keep this kind of information up to date using some sort of spreadsheet or chart, identifying the version, what it offers, what problems have been identified, and what is being worked on or planned for the future.

Thanks very much,

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Re: Current Rune Versions

Postby AndyF » 02 Jan 2020, 12:32

Hi Rod,

there are 2 "paths" - original RuneAudio-Image (latest = 0.5b, I think, maintained by janui) and rern´s new Runeaudio-Re2-image ().

If you use rern´s addons, you should give Re2-Version a try. It is the logical continuation (GUI and functions) of rern´s addons. I´m using it for some month - IMHO the best version, if you want to use max. amount of functions. But it breaks with original-RuneAudio-images. Rern has improved the basic-archlinux-system which is more up-to-date and use a very different mechanism (easier to backup) to save settings (all is saved in /srv/http/data-folder). Some (obsolete?) tricks from forum won´t work on this system.
If you want to built your own personal system: .

Rern´s versions are able to upgrade via pacman - I´m using latest MPD-patchlevel (0.21.18). I don´t have a TFT - but TFT-support is a known feature of Re2. Images are available for - I think - all RPi-models.

regards, Andy
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Re: Current Rune Versions

Postby rlsten » 03 Jan 2020, 17:11

Thanks very much, Andy.

I gave the Runeaudio-Re2-image a try with an RPi4, and it worked very well.

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Re: Current Rune Versions

Postby rern » 22 Jan 2020, 04:31

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