Customise Layout

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Customise Layout

Postby demonboy » 20 Jun 2018, 10:58

After much messing with Rune, Volumio and Musicbox, I've decided to go with Rune. It seems to be the smoothest and most flexible experience of the three. Well done to the developers.

One thing, and I know this has been discussed before, is the UI. I struggle with black backgrounds and much prefer white. Also I find the seek dial being above the volume dial odd. I assume most people would be using the volume a lot more than seek. I'd also like to remove items from the home page as I won't be using some of the services. There's a new other changes I'd like to make that I hope doesn't offend the developers but the availability of skins would be really cool. I'd happily pay for a feature like this.

1) Are there any plans to make customisation available to users?
2) Are there any guides on how to do this currently?

I'm comfortable with messing around with basic code so any pointers would be appreciated. Is there a breakdown of the relevant files containing colours and layout anywhere?

Thanks, and keep up the good work.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2017, 12:14

Re: Customise Layout

Postby janui » 20 Jun 2018, 13:16

Hi demonboy,

I don't know of any plans to make the Rune colour scheme user modifiable. But it has been done, see here: change-the-color-of-the-minute-knob-t6197.html#p24355, you could try contacting patrickmccallum.

There has also been some work done customising the library UI, see here: post11544.html?hilit=remove%20library#p10618

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Re: Customise Layout

Postby demonboy » 21 Jun 2018, 03:16

Hey janui, thanks for the links. That's a start :)
Posts: 10
Joined: 03 Dec 2017, 12:14

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