Customizing UI the amateur way

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Customizing UI the amateur way

Postby DannyB » 03 Apr 2020, 19:06

Hello. 3 weeks ago I got a Pi4b and some other bits and bobs. 5" capacitive touch screen 800x480 res, some cables, some prototype boards....You know it, you get a new toy, you buy a lot of accesories :) With which you have no idea ho to use.
I am a complete novice in all this programming, and learning as I go.
I have tried plenty OS distros to build myself a nice Hi-res transport, which will feed a naniDigi with 4 DAC's for my JBL based monitors.
So ended with the latest +R e3 distro from RERN. What an awesome guy to do all this work. Finaly got the sound to work too, previous version didnt worked for me.
Then I started to play with the UI. On a very basic level. What I wanted was a HDMI UI which shows only the necessary. i.e. Artist, Song, BITRATE, coverart and elapsed time.
This is what I ended up with.

I repeat, have totaly no idea what im doing here. On a Microsoft surface go the UI looks the same, gonna try it on an android phone, because there the orientation is portrait. Hope it will be ok.

BTW, have a Allo Digione on order as well.
Still looking for suitable linear power supply and/or battery powered. I want to have clean supply of volts to the Rpi.

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Joined: 31 Mar 2020, 03:55

Re: Customizing UI the amateur way

Postby Reecoupons » 10 May 2024, 08:29

Ohh. tell me about it, I did the same mistake but i did it on larger scale , so I have an ecommerce platform to sell my electronic items and one day i decided to change its UI OWN my OWN which cost me money which you can not imagine, so in my opinion its best if you hire some professionals to this task like I did (After loosing almost 5k).Now I trust tailor brands to take care of my design problems and one friend told me that they are now offering which can also be really help full for you.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2024, 09:02

Re: Customizing UI the amateur way

Postby SetuaSutli » 11 Jun 2024, 10:52

Hey! That's awesome, sounds like you've jumped into the Pi world head first - it's definitely easy to get carried away with all the cool add-ons! Good on you for learning as you go, that's the best way.

Building a Hi-Res transport on a Pi is a great project, especially feeding a naniDigi with 4 DACs - sounds like a seriously high-fidelity setup! Glad you found the latest RERN +R e3 distro that worked for you, RERN does fantastic work.

A custom, minimalist UI for your music player is a perfect first step in customizing your Pi. Basic artist, song info, bitrate, cover art and time is exactly what you need – clean and functional. Did you use any specific tools or libraries to build the UI? I'd love to hear more about your progress!
Posts: 3
Joined: 19 Feb 2024, 07:56

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