I have good news!
Command line DAB radio player is coming to the Rpi + RTL2832U/R820T. A guy named Albrecht Lohofener has started a fork of Jan van Katwijk's dab-rpi (sdr-j). He is programming on no less than FOUR user interfaces (versions) for the player.
From the README:
This repository contains the implementation of a simple DAB/DAB+ receiver. It is derived from the sdr-j-dab software, optimized for embedded systems like Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 but it runs on regular PC's as well.
The receiver supports terrestrial DAB and DAB+ reception with as input the samplestream from either an AIRSPY, a SDRplay, a dabstick (rtl_sdr), a rtl_tcp server or a (prerecorded) file. It will give sound output through the selected soundcard or - if configured - through a TCP connection.
There are now FOUR versions of the dab-rpi software, the set is extended with a "command line only" version.
GUI_1 is a version with a GUI using regular QT widgets, it can be build with Qt4 and Qt5;
GUI_2 is a "command line" version. i.e. no widgets at all, no flexibility, just pass the channel, the program next to Band, Mode and Device (of course there are defaults).
GUI_3 is a touch and high DPI display optimized GUI based in QT QML. It can be build using Qt5.7 and higher.
GUI_4 is a version without a GUI, the program is controlled remotely using a TCP connection. A simple remote controller is included in the sources; The dab-rpi version - the simple remote controller as well - can be build using Qt4 and Qt5;
https://github.com/AlbrechtL/dab-rpiHave a good look at the README.GUI_[1-4].md files.