Deezer please

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Deezer please

Postby voxxonline » 24 Aug 2014, 08:45

Hi there
Just yesterday I ve migrated from volumio, due to issues with usb mount, indexing etc. Basically, Rune works from the box, and looks like audio quality is great- I still have to test it louder, but I m sure it is good.

One thing would make it great- support of deezer functionality, which I m using for my general music discovery mode. I m using it something like 3-4 years and it makes it very deciding moment for me which software to choose as a player.
I know deezer has dev support, so it is my small hint on the superb software implementation.

Thank you very much.
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Re: Deezer please

Postby bleu34 » 16 Oct 2014, 21:17

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Re: Deezer please

Postby Aquarius » 17 Oct 2014, 14:39

I find it difficult for a small team like RuneAudio to choose from the many music service. So i understand if they don"t go this route.

The target audience is supposed to by High Fidelity fans... so a mp3 streaming service does not fill the bill and I would thus understand if they don't want to do that. It's just not the target of the project. mp3 is not quality.

There are high fidelity services out there, that stream CD quality to subscribers, and maybe those would be worth implementing. Qobuz is the one I'm interrested in, and it provides an API (there's a XBMC plugin based on that API). But again, I believe it's probably complicated for a spare-time small team who's already doing a great job.
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Deezer please

Postby Stwert » 17 Oct 2014, 14:44

The way I've used streaming services is to play on another computer and use shareplay (?) to send the audio to the raspberry pi. I use tuneblade on windows and regular airplay on mac. Does a pretty decent job. Yeah, it would be nice to have it all natively integrated into rune, but I think there's just too many options (spotify, deezer, qobuz, rdio [my current choice], sony music, etc etc.) to implement.
I should add that with rdio, I can be streaming the audio from my computer, but I can still use my mobile device as a remote to control what's playing. It's roundabout, but it amounts to the same thing: listening to great music.
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Re: Deezer please

Postby BorGreiner » 30 Oct 2014, 08:15

Hi! I am new to raspberry hifi frenzy and I tell you with several good options out there, decision with which headless system to go is not easy. I am looking for almost out of the box solution to all my music needs. To clarify: there are times when simply streaming my flac files from network share is enough, but I would also like to have access to my Deezer playlists as well. One should notice here that from consumer point of view Deezer is (via some exclusive deals) quite strong in Europe. But, alas, I can't find a single solution that would include Deezer. The furthest I have come is Deezer app on Squeeze box, that is so basic that doesn't even play your personal playlists. Just Deezer streams. So... a big bump for Rune Audio Deezer integration here. :)
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Re: Deezer please

Postby BorGreiner » 01 Nov 2014, 13:58

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Re: Deezer please

Postby Stwert » 01 Nov 2014, 15:41

I hate to say this (and I should have said it up front), but the free version of TuneBlade works fine for Shairport on a Raspberry Pi. I myself am having some strange behaviour with TuneBlade, and am just trying to figure out what exactly is happening before I post an actual bug.

Make sure all your music is stopped on the Pi, and then hit Connect. Does your Pi then switch the source to Airplay? You should see that on your playback page. To get out of Airplay, hit stop/disconnect on TuneBlade, and then switch the Playback Source back to MPD on the Pi.
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Re: Deezer please

Postby AndreR » 01 Nov 2014, 18:25

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Re: Deezer please

Postby BorGreiner » 09 Nov 2014, 13:41

I must edit my position on TuneBlade. Free or licensed versions vork just the same. It is only that I got confused by RuneAudio's "connecting" sprite on top of RuneUI. To clarify: TuneBlade streams to Airplay module of RuneAudio without problems. Just if you try to connect to RuneUI it is stuck on "connecting", so SOMETIMES you have to stop the TuneBlade (not just the song or stream) to get the RuneUI functionality back. Kinda awkward but still working.
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