DHCP server on Raspberry with RuneAudio?

Raspberry Pi related support

DHCP server on Raspberry with RuneAudio?

Postby BenUAE » 26 Jul 2017, 14:10

Hi all

Is it possible to use the Raspberry Pi 3 as a DHCP server while running RuneAudio?
I could not find a straight answer on the forum and a lot of the posts on the subject are somehow outdated, so was hoping for some directions

My music files are on a NAS and I use the Raspberry Pi as a streamer. This is my office set up, so I cannot use the Pi with the network there. I was hoping to get the Raspberry to work as a server (rather than buying a separate router to manage that). The device will be wired to the NAS and need to be an access point for the phone
I am running the Pi 3 with a HifiBerry Digi + Pro hat and the latest build of RuneAudio

I understand that RuneAudio will not have the option built in, but I have not figured out what to tweak to launch the server ....
This did not appear to get me there: so I was wondering whether there is a limitation from RuneAudio before spending another night on it?

I am not entirely versed with Archlinux, so pardon me if my request is idiotic or straight forward

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Re: DHCP server on Raspberry with RuneAudio?

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Jul 2017, 20:11

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Re: DHCP server on Raspberry with RuneAudio?

Postby BenUAE » 27 Jul 2017, 22:40

Thanks for this Frank
I was clearly looking in the wrong direction, I had never though of changing the sub net of the NAS. Appreciate the direction (and the quick answer)

Just for me to get that right, the static IP on the RP is for the AP only or should I reflect the static address setup in LAN as well (Eth0)?

Seems that I ll have to start with a fresh image as I now cannot find the RP through the AP nor the wire connection - but I feel that I am making progress, thanks for your assistance!
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Re: DHCP server on Raspberry with RuneAudio?

Postby BenUAE » 28 Jul 2017, 14:31

Frank - you are a genius
Never in a million year I would have thought of setting the NAS as the gateway
Though your directions were straight forward, it took me while to understand what you were telling me to do. But my library is now uploading and my phone is connected.... just what i needed
Thanks again!!!!
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