Difficulties Getting to RuneUI

Raspberry Pi related support

Difficulties Getting to RuneUI

Postby cgfong7000 » 27 Feb 2016, 23:37

Hello everyone,
I recently started using Rune Audio and went through all the steps to start the OS. I successfully formatted and wrote the image file to the SD card, and booted the Pi (Pi Model B) while connected to a monitor. It went through the whole startup process and ended up at the login screen like it should.

Now here is where the problem arose; I disconnected the pi and plugged it into my WiFi through Ethernet. I also had a powered USB hub attached with a flash drive and a WiFi dongle. I powered it on and watched the flashy lights all blink on and the WiFi dongle started flashing. I then went to my computer and tried to connect to all the local music players. After several attempts, I tried the IP of the pi and it connected fine.

When I connected it too my WiFi through the dongle it said it worked and so I moved it elsewhere and to my suprise I could not connect to the device, whether through Ethernet or WiFi.

Am I missing something blindingly obvious or did I screw up??
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Joined: 27 Feb 2016, 21:29

Re: Difficulties Getting to RuneUI

Postby hondagx35 » 28 Feb 2016, 01:41

Hi cgfong7000,

if your Pi is a Version 1 try to go back to the point with a working ethernet connection.
The next thing you should do is to update your device to the .
After this try to connect via wifi again.

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