Digital output and input for RuneAudio

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Digital output and input for RuneAudio

Postby klassikmann » 20 Oct 2018, 16:22

I'm a satisfied user of RuneAudio using
- RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3_0.4-beta_20170229_2GB,
- extended partition size of 8GB,
- Hifiberry Digi+ Pro for digital output connected to active speakers (Genelec 8351),
- some of rern's enhancement, notably UI enhancements and MPD upgrade.

The missing part of my setup is the integration of digital radio from my SAT-TV receiver. My first try was to use DLNA to access MPEG transport streams using the webradio feature of RuneAudio. This was successful until the upgrade of MPD to the actual release (0.20.21) because ffmpeg has been upgraded to 4.0.2 also. And ffmpeg 4.0.2 changed the sample format detected in the mp2-stream as fltp instead of s16p as it did earlier. Consquence: The ffmpeg plugin invoked by mpd performs a (meaningless) conversion from 48000:f:2 to 48000:32:2 producing noise. If someone has a clue to solve this problem, it would be highly appreciated, because I don't need to evaluate alternatives as described below.

As an alternative I can use the digital output of the the SAT-TV receiver. But then I need a digital input at the Pi. I found the HiFiBerry Digi+ I/O () with optical and electrical output and input.

Question 1:
Is it possible to replace the Digi+ Pro by the Digi+ I/O in RuneAudio?

Question 2:
How can the digital input (I prefer optical) integrated into RuneAudio?

Thank you in advance
RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
Posts: 182
Joined: 27 Apr 2016, 18:36

Re: Digital output and input for RuneAudio

Postby klassikmann » 27 Oct 2018, 14:28

Nobody here with experiences using "Digi+ I/O" by Hifiberry ()?

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
Posts: 182
Joined: 27 Apr 2016, 18:36

Re: Digital output and input for RuneAudio

Postby janui » 28 Oct 2018, 12:40

Hi klassikmann,

I am very interested in an answer. But sorry, I can’t help.

I am intending to post your diagnosis of the MPD/ffmpeg problem on their respective fora. Maybe the actual problem can be solved.

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Re: Digital output and input for RuneAudio

Postby klassikmann » 28 Oct 2018, 17:01

RPI 3B + HifiBerry Digi+ Pro + rAudio-1
Posts: 182
Joined: 27 Apr 2016, 18:36

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