Hi I'm still new to raspberry and linux . I'm trying to use the runeaudio via ethernet direct to laptop without network connection . I can connect to some OS (like Wheezy Raspian or Retropie ) through this way so i think this can work too but i've encoutered some problem . Here's what i did :
First : i connect the raspberry pi with runeaudio img to the router like normal .
Second : i change from DHCP IP to static IP (from to via GUI .
Third : i plug the ethernet cable directly to my laptop and use IP : to access the rune . It worked
until i reboot the raspberry. After that i can't connect the the rune audio anymore even via the router nor direct to laptop . Anyone can help me or explain to me why this happened ? Tks very much guys.
P/S: my native language is not english so if anything's wrong plz correct me