Disable database creation ?

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Disable database creation ?

Postby GlennS » 02 May 2020, 18:53

I'm very pleased with my "0.5+Rern3" setup on a RPi 3B+, but I have one problem that's rather infuriating...
My Rune is accessing a large network store of nearly 20,000 titles - a very great number of which have no music tags. The standard Album/Artist/title way of accessing this library doesn't work - I can't access many of the files I regularly use.
Many of the titles are special audio files for audio equipment setup or testing - they are, however, organized in a fairly complex directory tree structure that I've navigated around for nearly 20years - so I know where to find what.
Is there a way in rune to provide just a 'file manager' type way of accessing a NAS source instead of the "Album" or "Artist" type searches ?
Or some 'tweaks' ?
Thanks, in advance.
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Re: Disable database creation ?

Postby rern » 05 May 2020, 14:54

Hi GlennS,

There's no such thing as "0.5+Rern3".
Basically you need to update MPD/Library database even for file browsing only.
Next time ask in the right thread when you figure it out which one is your setup

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Re: Disable database creation ?

Postby GlennS » 06 May 2020, 18:45

Posts: 6
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 10:09

Re: Disable database creation ?

Postby rahulsaha » 05 Jul 2020, 07:19

I looked and I don't see any sub forums for UI or suggestions, I'm a graphic artist and was wondering how I could maybe contribute.

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Joined: 05 Jul 2020, 07:16

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